2. I was never scared where we were working even though I had a sense that while things were o-kay in the moment it wouldn't only take a little provocation for things to get out of control fast. Men high on glue are unpredictable to say the least. Does not being scared mean I'm stupid or brave????
3. To take the parasite meds or not, that is the question.... I have a three day course of meds that will kill most of the things that are living in my intestines just in case. Everyone says it won't hurt anything but I haven't taken it yet. I'd really like to know I have something before I take it not because I am scared of the meds but so I can claim a really good war wound. If only proof of a parasite didn't involve a stool sample. (GROSS!!!!)
4. Despite feeling like I ate my way through Honduras (The food was delicious!) I didn't gain any weight. I was seriously worried there for a while!!!!
5. One of the people on the trip warned me that when I got back people wouldn't ask for details of what we did and what we saw because they instinctively know that the details will be overwhelming. I didn't believe him! But I've been with Hubby's family twice since I've been back and no one has gone beyond "Did you have a good trip?" and "Are you glad to be back?"
6. Other folks from church have taken their kids on this trip ( preteens and teens). I would take my oldest (almost 12) but my little ones, not yet. I don't think they have the perspective to be able to process what they'd see.
7. I LOVED the medical stuff!!!!! Loved it. This is my calling.
8. My Spanish is pretty abyssmal. I had a very hard time understanding other people and don't think well on my feet to make myself understood. Practice practice practice.