Sunday, May 31, 2009

I still have plenty of mango chutney

So we went and picked up the kids from one more sleep over at the grandparents and Natalie was sick, sick, sick. Fever, very sore throat, upset stomach. Hurled on the way home. Called the doc and got amoxicillin called in for Strep throat. That meant one less kid spending the night and one less kid to drink the salad dressing. (Oh yeah, she's feeling much better. Nursing school definitely gives you the advantage of being abel to describe the symptoms of Strep to the pediatrician so convincingly that she perscribes an antibiotic over the phone!)

The girls just don't understand that you can't just throw away the mango chutney because what if you decide that you absolutely must have curried chicken salad. What would you do then, huh?????

O-kay. Deep breath. We will move. Everything will be fine. Heck, I got through nursing school with three kids and a husband, I can handle a cross country move!

(Karen - we are moving to the Atlanta area!)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Moving is hard

That is seriously the name of a children's book that someone gave us the last time we moved. It's got this blond haired kid on the front clutching his teddy bear with tears in his eyes. Yes, thank you who ever gave that to us. It was comforting to our small children!

But yes, we are moving. Am I ready? No! At least i don't feel ready. i am not packed because we have movers that do that. (People keep asking me that and it adds to my feelings of not being ready tremendously.) I haven't used up all the food in my refrigerator. But tonight we have 4 or 5 little girls spending the night so they should make a pretty good dent in the food. Do you think they will be okay eating Mango chutney with a spoon? I also have a supply of salad dressings I need them to eat straight.

Despite the logistical side of moving, we are very very excited. The new church is fabulous. The new house is very cool. The new town is gorgeous.

Now if we can just get through the next 5 days...

Monday, May 11, 2009

I finished nursing school today

And that's why I haven't blogged in almost two months.

Let me say it again, i finished nursing school today. I took my last two finals. I am done!!!!!!!!!

I'm so relaxed I hardly know what to do with myself....

I just can't believe it. I did it!