Friday, April 4, 2008

I found a week!!!! A whole week!

So I thought that the last module (which is like four written assignments and a quiz) for my internet class on The Aging Adult was due next thursday.  BUT Its not!!!  Yippee!!!  It is due the next week!!!  So I have a moment to tell my blog friends my happy happy news.  You really have no idea how happy.  AND I got one of the assignments DONE before I realized my mistake so now I'm ahead (a little).  Before I start on either the research assignment due Thursday (definitely this thursday) or my OB care plan which is due Wednesday or to study for my OB test which is Tuesday.  You can begin to see why not having a major project due this week would be a HUGE relief.  (Happy dance happy dance!)  But all will be preceded by lunch because it is pointless to try to focus on an assignment when you are thinking about food!


Nursapalooza said...

hey! thanks for visiting my blog. I am in an ADN program. Later I'll do one of those ADN to MSN programs, but i wasn't in a hurry for the BSN, since i had gotten a BA previously. I will graduate ~God willing!~ December 08! Whooo hoooo! How 'bout you?

Nursapalooza said...

oh yeah, congrats on finding an extra wk! I did the same thing concerning an exam!

Baby-Mama Runner said...

I'm in a BSN program. Went back and forth a lot deciding which one to do (there's a discussion about it on my blog from last spring actually!). I'll graduate in May '09. I can't believe I'm almost half way through!

Nursapalooza said...

Yeah!!! Me too, over half done, with my ADN! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for us!