Friday, February 29, 2008

I didn't die and I didn't kill anyone in the hospital

I swear someday I will blog again.  School is a lot busier this semester.  I don;t think it is really harder but there's more written work to do.  Studying, i can take or leave, (most of the time leave!) An assignment that has to be turned in, well, you just have to sit down and do it.

Topics to blog about (hopefully they will actually be transformed from topics to posts)
1.  The cliche checks in (or what the planet looks like with 10 pounds less of me)
2.  What really happens to your baby when it goes to the nursery after birth...
3.  My celebrity soul mate
4.  What's on my ipod (cause I wanna know what's on yours!)
5.  My first real race since the half marathon four years ago (coming March 8)
6.  School updates, what I've learned, what I've done!

That's it for now I think.  Gotta shower.  Just ran 4 miles in 41 minutes.  When there's ten pounds less of you to cart around you actually start to run faster!

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