Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Doesn't everyone take pictures of their odometer?

I know I'm a dork so let's not actually add that to the comments section, o-kay.  This is my odometer on   my 2000 Honda Odyssey on the way back from Mo Ranch.  If you notice it says one two three four five six.  Not only is that a LOT of miles for one car, it is also just really cool.


Unknown said...

LOVE it!!! This dork would do the same thing for sure.

K. said...

How neat! I would *so* take a picture too.

I get excited at the grocery store when I get a "fun" total for my shopping. I'm sure the clerks think I'm a huge dork, but I don't mind. Most days, that is.

sue said...

Amazing! My husband took me to a conference over the weekend. When I saw him taking a picture of his odometer I coudln't believe it!
I call him Rainman sometimes because he can remember numbers and dates but not names so much. I thought it was just a thing from from that. huumm