Well, here we are..the first Friday of the new school year. It couldn't have come sooner in my opinion. I am exhausted, but exhausted in a good way I suppose. I have been in class everyday from 9 until afternoon (some days 1 p.m. some days until 5.) I have pediatrics, ICU nursing and mental wellness this semester. I got my clinical site choice which is really great!!! I will be in a precepted clinical which means that instead of going to a hospital on a certain day and time with a group of students and a member of the faculty, I will be assigned a nurse at the facility and I will work according to her schedule until I get all my hours in. I like the idea of the flexibility that offers and I know I learn really well from watching another person and asking questions.
It is funny how anxious I was all weekend about starting school. I just felt so wigged out and it showed in the way I treated my family. I was just dreading starting school again. But once I got back here and saw my friends (and I have some really great friends in nursing school) and got back in to lectures and learning about this nursing stuff I was totally energized and glad to be back. The mind is such a funny thing!!!
I think I am going to have some really good faculty this semester as well. I really like the instructors I have met so far. The instructor for the ICU class is actually from the town in New York that we visited this summer and trust me that is a very very small town!!! Pretty amazing coincidence. Compared to soem fo the instructors from previous semesters I just have a much more sincere sense that they want us to succeed and are interested in hearing us out. Everyone likes to be listened to!!!
And to end on a very happy note, I jsut found out that I passed my math test. Thsi si the pass/fail test that we take every semester. Passing is 100 and failing is anything else. It is very stressful to have that kind of pressure on a math test. This one I wasn't at all sure of after I finished it. While I was checking my work I found a huge error and that scared the pants off me about what I might have missed!!! But I passed, Hallelujah!!
I am ready for the 4 day weekend!
Stream of Consciousness at the Las Vegas Airport
8 years ago
1 comment:
Glad you made it through the first week and can relax and celebrate through the weekend. Have James make you a margarita! One week closer to R.N.!!!
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