Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I can't believe I did it

I made my Weight Watchers goal on Monday night!  I have lost 14.8 pounds which is almost 10% of my total body weight.  I am officially within the normal weight category for my height using the BMI, although I'm at the very top of it.  People ask me regularly if I've lost weight or say I look great etc.  That is very satisfying.  I've noticed though they also ask what I did.  I usually shrug and say, "Sounds crazy but I ate less and exercised more.  Weight watchers helped too."  They often look disappointed when I say that, like they really wanted me to give them the magic secret vitamin.  Whatevah!  I am a weight watchers believer now.  I am so happy with my new size that it is just crazy!!!!
I also have a definitive understanding of my cholesterol issues.  I have a VERY strong family history of high cholesterol.  My mom was in the first group of people to go on cholesterol lowering meds because her cholesterol was over 300.  At the time, she was the Jane Fonda of Dallas, teaching exercise classes every day and weighing in at about 110 pounds.  So the deck is stacked against me.  Eighteen months ago, when I was heavier, my cholesterol was 229.  My cholesterol last Thursday, with a 10% body weight reduction, significant dietary changes and a steady exercise program I have dropped my cholesterol---- drum roll please---15 points!!!!!!  Pretty lame.  Guess I get to blame it on my genetics for real.  My midwife says I can wait another year to decide on taking meds because my triglycerides are good and my ratio is pretty good.  I know I'll have to take them eventually, I just want the eventually to be as far away as possible.  
I wish I had before pictures but I never got around to taking them!!!!!  Oh well!!