Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wrapping up the year in nursing school

Well, the light is definitely bright at the end of the tunnel but there is still soooooooo much to do before the year is over!  I finished clinicals last week.  That turned out well over all.  I was very discouraged by my med/surg clinical at the beginning of the semester because it was sooooooo boring and I thought my instructor was going to be really difficult.  But by the end of the semester I found myself figuring out things to do and actually be productive on my thursday nights and I came to really appreciate my instructor.  She had an air of aloofness about her but she was a good instructor.  She balanced throwing us to the wolves with micromanaging us really well.  On my last night the nurse I was following around wrote that I was "to be trusted" on my evaluation.  That's pretty high praise!
OB was difficult as you can see above.  My last day there I was in L&D and saw all the things go wrong with hospital maternity care that possibly could and still have everyone at the end say, "All that matters is a healthy baby!"  It is hard to describe what happened that day because when I write it down it sounds, well, typical.  And in some ways it was.  But when  typical leaves me crying and unable to sleep for 24 hours, something just ain't right.  I still think L&D is a likely place for me to end up after graduation but I'm more open to other options than I was before.  I know that I could make a difference for the families I care for, I'm just not sure how much "typical" my heart can take.  On a high note, when I was talking to my instructor about what happened she said I was by far the best student she's ever had.  I love affirmation!!!!!!
Still lots to get done, 2 projects to present next week, research assignments, an 8 essay take home final, and of course regular finals!  Then when all that's done I'm signed up for a 2 week intensive medical spanish class.  Oy Vey!  One day at a time.  Remember the elephant!

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