First, Bugs. We have a new scourge of bugs to learn to live with. Houston has its bugs but they were pretty much two varieties. Giangantic cockroaches and mosquitoes. The former were pretty easily dispensed with by spraying highly toxic chemicals around the house inside and out about 5 times per year. I'd know it was time to spray when I'd find dead ones in the house. This meant that the perimeter shield was compromised and the interior shield was still effective. Yes, killing cockroaches in Houston is serious business because I HATE COCKROACHES. I'm pretty sure the chemicals we used have the potential to cause my grandchildren to have two heads. Ah well, more cheeks to kiss!
So anyway, here in Georgia, I think we have smaller cockroaches which is a good thing. We just have a larger variety of other bugs. More ants, more random flying bugs. HUGE green grasshoppers that look like leaves. And spiders. Lots of very large spiders. Like this one below. I would bet that legs and all it was about 3 inches in diameter. It was in my pool hanging on to the hose for the polaris. So I scooped it out and what did I discover???? Hundreds of baby spiders hanging on to its back. Lovely. I'd rather have spiders than cockroaches but it was still creepy.
And the other less than perfect thing about my neighborhood is the running situation. Our street is about a mile long which makes for a nice training distance. You can run laps like a track on it and know how far and how fast you ought to be going. However, it looks like this....
Yes, that is a hill and another hill beyond it. Truly the picture doesn't do it justice. You have to stand at the top of the hill and contemplate running up it to fully appreciate the sweat and heart rate increase involved. I have run these hills four times now and it is a completely different workout experience than running on the flats of Houston. Yowza! I better have an incredible looking backside by the end of the summer given how much said backside hurts after running up and down that!!!!!!!