A view under my fridge...
Not only was there stuff under there but the freezer was defrosting too and leaking water all over the floor. Now we added slimy to the distgustingness. The driver of my moving truck had his 15 year old son with him. When I was dying of horror over what was under my fridge he said, "yeah, my mom cleans under our fridge now cause of what we see under other people's." Thanks buddy, that helped...
In my defense, the cat loves to play with most of the stuff you see under here and probably batted it under the fridge while playing in the kitchen. He especially loves to play with clothes from the girl's Polly pocket dolls. He also loves to play with hair elastics. However, i found hair elastics and barettes EVERYWHERE! Now I know where they go when we can't seem to find any. Under the beds, in corners, on doorknobs and certainly under the fridge...
I just had to include a close up of the Christmas card since a couple of my readers will recognize it. Think of it this way, although it eneded up under the fridge, at some point it held a place of honor ON the fridge.
Famous last words...
From now on I will clean under my fridge more frequently than every 6 and half years.
Don't make commitments you can't keep! Hee-hee. Perhaps once every six years is enough.
Laughing the most at the antibiotic cream. And assuming the running shoe in the photo was on your (the photographer's) foot and not part of the under-fridge collection. Now THAT would be funny.
Catching up on your blog and looks like you live in Heaven! Before I even read your comments and from far away, I noticed the shinny fireman! Congrats and can't wait to read more.
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