1. I recomended a book to a nursing school friend last week, Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. I assured her it is up to date and the "Bible" of natural family planning/ fertility awareness. Than I got to thinking...the child that we charted and took basal body temperatures to conceive is going to be 8 years old on Friday, which means my copy of that book is about 9 years old. That is SHOCKING!
2. My Mini-van has 120,000 miles on it. It still runs great and I still actually like it as a vehicle but 120,000 miles! Really!?!?! That is SHOCKING!
3. It has been two years since I have seen my friend Teri. I hate that and find it SHOCKING!
4. When I look back at my posting as I started this semester I wonder who is that terrified person who was so freaked out by nursing school? Things are certainly busy and I have to get my work done but this is definitely doable, at least so far.... The fact that i was so off on my assessement of how hard this would be is SHOCKING!
5. That a little boy could get suspended from school for drawing a stick figure with a gun, I find SHOCKING! (And incredibly stupid! Boys have been drawing pictures with gun for a long long time.)
6. The number of people who hit my blog because they are googling stuff about nemas is really quite SHOCKING! (And a little disturing!)
I'm sure there's more but it is time to go off to class, Pharmacology here I come!