Saturday, September 1, 2007

Nursing school and elephants...

So we made it through the first week. It is still overwhelming. I am in class, labs or clinicals 29 hours per week, and then there is studying on top of that. I'm pretty good at academics so I guess I'm not too worried about passing but there's a lot to learn and there's a lot riding on learning it. (If I hear one more instructor say "This is the MOST important class you will take during your nursing education because if you don't learn it you might kill your patients" I am going to quit and become a fireman!) I'm just going to focus on one day at a time, one assignment at a time, one class at a time, and get it done. When I was expressing concerns over how i was going to do this all, my kids' pediatrician, who is also a friend, suddenly stopped me and said, "How do you eat an elephant?" I looked at her blankly then clued in, "One bite at a time!" So that's going to be my new motto, my new brand for myself, the elephant. Helps that I'm generally a Republican! hehehe

One more thing...Thanks Teri and Karen for your cheerleading and support. It really does help me stay on the rational side of life!


K. said...

you can *chew* it! ok, all puns aside...

you will totally rock at nursing. you betcha.

as an aside, I noticed a name on your blogroll that also comes up on the blog of a woman I went to junior high with (she's now a doc) the cyber world is small indeed!

Unknown said...

Love the elephant. Off to ponder what animal might help me get through labor...
Glad you're already through your first week and then some!