Oh Beans is a Eunuch alright. Or as the Vet tech said, "Beans lost his beans today." BUT the first thing that cat did when I let him out of the cat cage when we got home, still drunk on anesthesia, is wobble his way to his food bowl and MEOW loudly for it to be filled.
Oh well, fact is he fits in well around here. We all get a little cranky when food is delayed!
Stream of Consciousness at the Las Vegas Airport
8 years ago
Apparently none of your other readers are going to come out and say what we must all be thinking. This story could have ended so much differently, and so much more fulfillingly. Beans might have gone out and romanced the neighborhood cats, and it might have brought you closer to your neighbors as you all gathered to welcome litter after litter of sweet little kittens to your home. I'm sorry you've prevented such mirth. I hope you're not regretting it already. Off for a moment of silence in honor of the dozens and dozens of kitties that will never be.
Now was the encyclical about feline birth control pre or post Vatican II because I'm not familiar with that. or perhaps it is just a special movement within the Church to wipe out any practice of animal husbandry... Let me know. I'm deeply interested. Maybe we can have a reversal done.
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