Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter, Tsunamis and wardrobe malfunctions

Happy Easter! Here we are all dressed in our finery at church on Easter Sunday....
Well, in typical Magan fashion the novelty of the blog wore off and i went 10 days with out a post. In my defense it was Easter and that is a pretty busy time of year for a pastor's family.

I had a wardrobe malfunction that nearly caused me to test the power of the Ressurection with my family on Easter morning. i could go into the whole, this didn't work, that didn't work but honestly you would be bored and I just read a blog ( http://havechildrenwilltravel.blogspot.com/ ) from a woman whose family is living in Banda Aceh, Indonesia doing relief work after the tsunami and reading quotes like this

"As we were driving home, the translator asked me, “Do you feel like throwing up after you cough like that?” I answered yes. She agreed saying, “I remember right after the tsunami crying for hours and that made me want to throw up, too.”

and this

"What do you say in your broken pig Indonesian when you are hanging out in the kitchen and your ‘janitor’ tells you about loosing her six year old child in the wave?"

My wardrobe issues just seem a little petty. But honestly at the time I had significant sympathy for Janet Jackson....Fortunately I took measures to correct mine before getting up to sing the Alleluia Chorus in from of hundreds of people!
In other news, I'm trying to decide whether to go to the Community College and get an associates degree R.N. or go to TWU and get a Bachelor's Degree R.N. There are good reasons for both.
Pros for Associates:
  1. Cheaper! $6000 vs $15,000
  2. Familiar: I did my prerequisites there and easily made a 4.0 GPA.
  3. No summer school this summer. I can take it easy
  4. free parking
  5. I can get a Bachelor's later with a little effort and probably get whoever I'm working for to pay for it.

Pros for Bachelors

  1. Better pay once i'm out but not by a ton.
  2. more prestige while I'm in school. That's a pride issue but let's be honest with the pros, ya know!
  3. It will be done! I'll have the BSN and be done!

And thoughts, dear readers?


Unknown said...

My thoughts, dear writer, are split right down the middle, which is obviously your problem, too - or you'd know already. But since you shared that the "program" of each of the schools is basically the same, I think I'd go with cheap and easy and not look back. Yep, that's me - all about cheap and easy. Yikes. I better watch my phrasing.

Unknown said...

And, by the way, your family looks smashing! You look great in white. Must have been a beautiful bride. Or did you wear lime green for your mom? Tee-hee. Sorry 'bout that wardrobe bummer.

Muddlin' Mother said...

Hi! I agree with Teri - cheap and easy! And what a fab family! Glad you got that wardrobe malfunction taken care of. We've all heard of the pastor's daughter, but you would have started something about the pastor's wife I think! : )