Monday, April 16, 2007

So where'd you go to nursing school?

If you ask a nurse "where'd you go to nursing school" and she answers, "Cheap and Easy U" will you still let her insert your catheter?

Just wonderin....

Talked to Cheap and Easy today. I think that is where I want to go. Feel pretty good about it. Right decision for lots of reasons. Hoping the admissions folks will give me the old, "Oh you're a shoe in! Tell Difficult and Hard but Prestigious to take a hike. We want you!!!!!" And they said, "Well, you look great on paper but we aren't that far along in the admissions process. Haven't even ranked the candidates yet. Would hate for you to give up on Difficult and Hard but Prestigious when you aren't sure about us. Call back next week." I would really like this to be easier please....

Got a plea in the mail for money from a little mission agency called Catholic Relief Services. Not sure how a protestant pastor ended up on that mailing list. Teri thinks maybe they bought th emailing list from Field and Stream. People who hunt are more likely to give money to relief organizations, perhaps? (That's James, dressed and ready to go on the, yes, I'm totally serious, Easter Egg Hunt.) Almost sent them the requested $35 so Karen would have a shot at getting BOTH $12 pop-tarts and $8 marshmallows. (Just kidding! They have an excellent admin to field work funding ratio.)

So that's about all here....I'm going to watch House and fold an enormous pile of laundry. Good night!

A few more photos for Teri's viewing pleasure.

All the girls at Easter looking adorable in their matching dresses. From left: Erin (my friend's daughter), Isabella (mine), Madeline (mine, in back), Abbie (my friend's daughter), Natalie mine).

Random picture of a sunrise i took a couple years ago. I looked out the window of my breakfast room and saw that! WOW! Grabbed my camera and snapped a picture. Within 5 or 10 minutes it was gone. Always loved that picture but never had any thing to do with it!


Unknown said...

See? What a perfect use for a blog - sharing photos (and in my case - thoughts as well) that you'd have no other use for. Don't let those photos (and thoughts!) go to waste!
LOVE the pictures. LOVE the ultra-matching girls. =) And also like the names you've coined for the nursing schools. When it comes down to it, I'm afraid of catheters no matter who does the insertion and what school they went to. So go with Cheap and Easy if they ever get their admissions stuff together!
Final comment: James looks dashing in his egghunt gear.

Muddlin' Mother said...

Ha! Thanks for contributing to that little 'ol organization CRS. No, really, that is very awesome! It's always difficult to know that the money you donate actually goes where it is supposed to, and you have to leave that up to God. But, I can tell you that the admin and overhead at CRS are very low, as the peeling paint on my walls and the wee pay check we are subsisting on for the tour here can attest to! And now you know someone personally who can tell you THANK YOU very much - where ever your dollars do end up they will be put to very good use. Words can't describe the appreciation we have.