Friday, April 27, 2007

Off to the Ball

So tonight we are off to a charity Gala at a swanky country club complete with "cocktail attire." I love dressing up. Love it! Love it!!!!!! I even got a new dress. Perhaps i'll post a picture.

The funny thing to me is that this charity event is for a ministry that our church helped start. We are expected to be there. Which is totally fine. But reality is that if we didn't get our tickets comped or have someone invite us to sit at their table there's no way we could afford it. Tix are $150 EACH! That just gets you dinner, then you have to fork out at least something on the auction. Last time we went I got a violet in a pot painted by a child who attends the after school program. It is still alive and thriving thank you very much! This represents a very real victory for the black thumb that I possess. Anyway, I'm off to the ball tonight! (In the pick up truck, just keeping it real.)

1 comment:

K. said...

yes, there had better be pictures! :)