Friday, February 27, 2009

My $5000 gift to my daughter

We all have those days. Like, I feel fat days, bad hair days, My head hurts days, I'm ugly days, I have nothing to wear days, etc. And when you are 12 and in seventh grade you have more than your fair share of those days. And you can add the No one likes me days, I have no friends days, Edward Cullen isn't real days, I can't do math days, I hate my life days, and of course, no one understands me days.

But for all those days there is one thing that my daughter can always look in the mirror and say, "That is perfect."

Braces came off yesterday. The world's most perfect smile....
And yes, my friends, braces really do cost about $5000. If I ever see her asleep without a retainer in her mouth cover your ears because what comes out of my mouth won't be pretty!


Unknown said...

Yayyyyyy! She looks gorgeous!

Muddlin' Mother said...

Oh, what a beautiful girl!!! You two have the same smile I think... : )

Home Sweet Home said...

Wow, she looks beautiful. I remember the feeling of running my tongue across my teeth over and over! And yes, the retainer is soo important. I never wore mine! How come they put braces on kids so much earlier these days? I remember that most people were just getting them put on at her age during my day!

Baby-Mama Runner said...

I asked the ortho why they put them on so much earlier too. He had good reasons that I can't remember the details of. Basically it has to do with taking advantage of the growth spurt during puberty to rearrange their teeth and that what they used to think about teeth movingback just wasn't true. They also don't pull teeth to make more room like they used to. Turns out that when you do that as an adult lotsof people ended up with receding jaw lines and sucken chins because of not having the support of the missing teeth.

TulipGirl said...

Beautiful, beautiful!

And worth it. . . But she BETTER wear that retainer. (I know so many adults going through braces AGAIN b/c they didn't. . .)

Btw, I've read a bit about what people find appealing in a smile (due to the work I do. . .) And your daughter has what draws people to Julia Robert's smile -- her smile is broad and shows the back teeth. Though honestly, I think your daughter is way prettier than Julia Roberts.

So, hooray for you and your daughter!

TulipGirl said...

(Oh, and I don't EVEN want to know what we've paid for ortho so far. Even with generous ortho benefits. . . Only two kids have had any work, and the oldest. . . Yikes. He'll be in the midst of ortho work for years.)