Got this email this morning from some folks at church asking for prayers for their son...
"he is going for surgery tomorrow around noon at TCH for a broken right ulna and a displaced distal radius. He is going to have general anesthesia to have a closed reduction of the distal radius. "
Mom is a doctor. I guess once a doctor always a doctor but from the tone of the email it sounds like the kid is going in for major surgery, touch and go, months in the hospital, only the best surgeons could attempt a case like this. Hubby read it and said, "Sounds really bad, huh."
Allow me to translate these two sentances of jargon....
"He's going to have a little procedure tomorrow for his broken arm. He broke both the bones in his forearm pretty close to the wrist. One of the bones popped out of place when it broke so they are going to put him under to set it. No incisions or pins, they can pop it back into place manually."
Now I'm not callous to the feeling of having YOUR baby go for surgery. I get weak in the knees when littlest daughter walks through the doors to the OR to get ear tubes placed (she's had four sets). But the jargon speak of an email sent out to a Sunday school class made me giggle a bit!
More seriously though, if you read this pray for this little guy. This family has been through A LOT in the last 2 months. Mom had a mastectomy and is going to start Radiation for breast cancer soon.