Friday, May 25, 2007

Summer is here....

Yesterday was the last day of school. Everyone is now out of school for the summer, except me of course. I have to take Gov't 2 and U.S. History 2. I could have my own separate little rant about that. I sooooooooo don't want to do it. I know it won't be "hard" but I just don't wanna, like I don't wanna do housework or I don't wanna exercise. It doesn't help my attitude about it that there is a small possibility that I'll take them and it won't actually be necessary. My rant is causing me to digress.

We need to do some decluttering over the next week. I love doing that but three little girls, not so much! They desparately need to clean out their lockers (cabinets that my dad built for them). End of the school year seems a very logical time to clean out a locker to me but it will be a challenge for them. Probably ought to clean out the play room. I'd love to get rid of some stuff but I'm not sure they are really ready to get rid of the play kitchen, dress up clothes etc.

I want to institute a no T.V. no computer before noon rule and am trying to decide whether to do that after we get back from vacation or before. They'll have about a week at home, then vacation so I'm thinking that i'll tell them it will start after vacation. That would give them a week to totally veg and enter into the slower pace of summer. Then with the transisiton of vacation over we could start our limited screen time rule. On the other hand, if I'm going to institute a rule maybe I should just do it. No delay. After vacation is winning at this point...

Need to go to the library this week for vacation books. I'm sure I'll have history and gov't reading to do but who in the world sits on the beach with a text book. Now that will ruin a tan! Want to read "Rethinking Thin" by Gina Kolata. Heard a portion of an interview with her on NPR. Also want to read "A Wise Birth" by Penny Armstrong. Recently read "A Midwife's Story" by her. It was inspiring! Oh and there was a book I saw at Barnes and Noble a while ago about the evolutionary benefit of certain diseases that I want to read. Have to find out the title and author. Need some fiction to go with these three non-fiction health tales. I wonder if the gal who wrote "The Time Traveler's Wife" has any other titles out. What a great book. So dear readers, read anything good lately?
That's it for, this, the first day of summer break.


Unknown said...

Reading and decluttering--- two of my favorite activities!
And I vote let them have a sloth week. The vacation will provide a change in scenery before coming back to reduce screen time. Meanwhile, decompression is always good.

Amy said...

I am reading "Sheer Abandon"(I don't know how to underline) by Penny Vincenzi. It is a British novel and revolves around 3 different British women. I am thoroughly enjoying it. Gotta love that British slang! Even the back cover says "the book offers major escape and abandon for the summer." How can you go wrong?