Thursday, November 29, 2007


I am here to share with my blogging audience (which is said very tongue in cheek because at most I get like 8 hits a day on my blog) that my big weakness in life (o-kay one of my bog weaknesses in life) is Pringles. I love them. I bought a can at school Monday to "share" with my friends at lunch and finished the whole thing off my Tuesday afternoon. (BTW, none of my so called friends helped me out by even eating ONE Pringle so I would be able to say that I DIDN"T eat the whole thing by myself.) So there's my weakness. Now here's the reason why I am telling you this today. Lest night, Hubby brought home a Gallon sized zip lock bag stuffed with Pringles. Seems the children's department at church is doing a craft that required Pringles cans. Rather than beg for Pringles cans for months on end they just went out a bought a case or two and dumped the Pringles out and handed them out to the staff. So now I have a ridiculous amount of Pringles calling me from my pantry. I know I'm not going to be strong. The question really is how dry my mouth will be from all the salt by the time I'm done....

So the guy who has this collection may actually be a bigger Pringles fan than I...


Muddlin' Mother said...

Ugh! That's the one thing I don't like; probably because every weird country we've been to, a potato chip is a pringle. You start to crave 'real' chips. (Hee hee). And, all those third world countries have a ridiculous assortment of TANG. Yep, that's right, they still make it.

Don't feel bad, I ate an entire bag of smart popcorn - white cheddar (how smart is that, really?) and 2 peices of fudge.


Amy said...

Mmmm I do like Pringles. I only allow myself to buy them when they are $1.00/can. They go so fast!