Monday, August 6, 2007

Good-bye tonsils!

My oldest had her tonsils out today! She's my first kid-let to lose her tonsils. Hers were HUGE! The nurse practitioner who did her intake history actually flinched and said, "WHOA!" when she looked in her throat. So surgery went well, we have several varieties of popsicles and ice cream in the freezer as well as Tylenol Three with Codeine so I think we are going to survive. Hopefully, this will end the night time noice making and help her sleep more peacefully. I put her to bed with the family school bell to ring if she needs me. There's no telling how many kids have had that bell by their sickbed. I think it is about 100 years old.
The other thing I got rid of was the book to the right here. I was probably about half way through when the bad guy took a can opener to a woman's chest. YUCK! Don't need a whole lot of that so I tossed it in the trash can. I know if i didn't take drastic measures I would pick it back up to find out how it ends and it would probably just gross me out so good-bye Mr. King! I don't think I've ever done that before -- throw a book away. Oh well, I won't make it a habit.

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