Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year's cliche

I HATE being a cliche'. Hate it hate it hate it.  I was the anti-label snob in high school.  When everyone was spending their babysitting money on Guess jeans I declared I wouldn't be caught dead in a pair.
(Actually I did have a pair.  I got them on sale at Neiman Marcus.  I think they were something like $11.  They were actually plaid!  Loved those jeans.  They were the epitome of anti-label snobbery!)  

So anyway, I hate being a cliche and yet, I am about to be the ultimate New Year's cliche.  Today I am joining Weight Watchers.  Along with half the world.  I am excited to finally actually DO this.  But also nervous about failing.  I don't have a lot of weight to lose.  Certainly 5 holiday pounds.  Probably 15 pounds beyond that to be the weight I was when I got married.  

(This weekend i cleaned out my closet and got rid of a dress that I remember wearing when we were engaged.  It was a black velvet Anne Klein cocktail dress.  Very simple but very elegant.  My mom had a friend who was a personal shopper.  She found this dress on deep clearance because someone had bought it, had it altered by the store and then didn't like the alterations.  I think it was a couple hundred dollars marked down to like $35.  The person who bought it had a big butt so the alterations were weird.  Anyway, I've been holding on to it all these years because it was the perfect "little black dress".  Make that the perfect TINY little black dress.  And it was TINY!  I know it was altered again when I bought it so that it would fit me but man, who was that teeny tiny person who wore it?  And seeing as how that person was me, why didn't I EVER appreciate being so skinny back then.  I was just as concerned that I was FAT then as now.  Sorry for the reminiscence.  Back to the post....)  

 Not sure that is realistic or necessary.  But I'm curious to see what I look like 5,10, 15, 20 pounds lighter.  Well, I can really not imagine myself 20 pounds lighter.  I have been on all sorts of diets before, but I have never had to pay for them and I have rarely lasted beyond the initial couple weeks thrill of doing soemthing new.  The fact is, though, that hubby needs this more than I do and the only way he will be successful is if I am doing it too.  (Being the chief cook  and nutritionist in the family.)  Everytime the church deteriorated (see previous post) hubby added 5 pounds of the weight of the world.  Now he wants to lose some weight and I want to be supportive so here we go to weight watchers.  I'll keep you posted....

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