Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Survived my first meeting

I went to Weight Watchers last night and no one laughed at me for being a cliche which is good.  Ruins the whole supportive atmosphere thing if the laugh at you!  I think I want to lose about 12-15 pounds which compared to a lot of the folks in there, well, most of the folks in there,  is not much.  But I guess I belong there as much as they do.  

So today I am going to go buy my books for school, visit a friend in the hospital (who thankfully is going to be fine but scared me to death on Dec. 30 that we were going to mess up a good streak for 2007 and probably into 2008) and spend some time meal planning and grocery shopping.  that should take the majority of the day I think!

Stay tuned for before photos and measurements...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will stay tuned! Bravo to you from a fellow WWer. I want/need to take my measurements too. If you go public, I'll think about it!